Engineering firm Mott MacDonald has recently won a US$15 million project from ADMA for its offshore production complexes off Abu Dhabi according to a senior Mott MacDonald employee.

The project is for the replacement of halon gas for the fire-suppression systems at ADMA's offshore production platforms of Zakum Central Super Complex, Zakum West Super Complex and Umm Shaif.
"Halon is an environmentally unsafe gas that they want to replace with new technology which we have to study and implement for this project," said Alex Jacob, commercial manager, Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals, Mott MacDonald.
Mott MacDonald will carry out work for the replacement of halon gas for ADMA's three major offshore facilities.
"As a company we are committed to safety and environment also, so we are very keen on doing this type of job. When there is a fire, Halon is pumped in to extinguish the fire but environmentally it is not very good," he said.
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